About Us


Who We Are
(Hopefully) Not

Our Mission

We are not hired guns (we hope to be your partners in innovation)

Our Vision

We are not headcount providers (we try instead to provide well-crafted solutions)

Our Values

We are not a relentless sales machine (thankfully, our existing customers are just that for us)

Our Goals

We are not very sharp dressers (we are working on this one)

Why did we start folio3?

We started Folio3 Software with the mission to bring innovation, integrity and agility ā€“ the Silicon Valley start-up genes ā€“ to the software services industry

We wanted a software services company that we as entrepreneurs and executives would ourselves partner with.

When nothing quite met expectations, we built one ourselves.

What We Do

Whether you are a two billion a year company looking at mobile-enabling your enterprise processes or a two person start-up making the next big social-mobile game.

Our sole motivation is to help you deliver your innovation.

Our rapid prototyping methodology, our proprietary internal tools, our
mobile app frameworks and our 10,000+ man years of design and
development experience are at your beck and call.

We call it Innovation As A Service.

Our Strength

The Mobile Enterprise

From making paper processes swipeable on iPADs to fighting zombies on Kindles, there is very little we have not done and even less we would not take on. Transforming a babel of enterprise data onto a small screen designed to enthrall a two year old is an exercise in zen-like simplicity.

So when you choose a mobility partner , choose one proficient in the art of technology and the science of desire. As Smartphone Innovators since 2000 and Tablet App Builders since 2010, we hope you donā€™t think us too forward if we nominate ourselves.

Our Latest Blogs

Why the Daily Scrum is NOT a Status Meeting?

I am here today to debunk, The Myth ā€œThe Daily Scrum is the Status Meetingā€. This is a key misconception in the industry and often resu...

A Complete Guide to Custom Caching in Magento 2...

In this blog, I will explain how to create your own cache in Magento 2, and how to read and write data from that custom cache. I hope after reading...

React Hooks

React is a javascript framework for building interactive client side interfaces along with the integration with back-end server. React considers th...

Our Partners in the Education & Training Industry


What do we have to show for it all?

We design, build and support websites and apps for clients worldwide.
We make your business stand out. Interested? Let's chat.


Clients (banks, booksellers, software giants, game start-ups) that trust and value us enough to be our best spokespersons.


Web and mobile solutions made with love, integrity and lots of caffeine.


Employees who understand the dual commitment at Folio3: Customers first, Employees forever.

If you have a requirement that you would like to discuss or would like to know more

Contact Us